Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Ah, what the hell!!!

Opening credits:A boy named Sue - Johnny Cash
Waking up:Moonbeams
Average day:More than This - Roxy Music
First date:Tribute - Tenacious D
Falling in love:We're in this Together - NIN
Love scene:Out of Control - The Chemical Brothers
Fight scene:Supermoves - Overseer
Breaking up:The Great Below - NIN
Getting back together:Hey Ya - Outkast
Secret love:Penélope - Robi Draco Rosas
Life's okay:Rock the Casbah - The Clash
Mental breakdown:Le Mer - NIN
Driving:The best Garage AMNESIA!!!
Learning a lesson:Swing it Low - Morphine
Deep thought:Dissasociative - Marilyn Manson
Flashback:Te para tres - Soda Stereo
Partying:Fun For Me - Moloko
Happy dance:B.O.B - Outkast
Long night alone:Condemnation - Depeche Mode
Death scene:Wish - NIN
Closing credits:Speech - Me

Your Life: The Soundtrack brought to you by BZOINK!